However, it can spawn as a revolter after Fulani culture expands to the provinces of Termes, Wagadu and Baghena (at game start, in northern Mali and SW Timbuktu), and it can also be formed by a country with Fulani culture (Great Fulo, for instance). From west to east, Macina is no longer a starting country. Those points are gained at a rate of 10% of your monarch points per month, minus a modifier depending on your religious unity. How we have designed it, Judaism works very similar to Protestantism, as it has 3 slots for Torah Aspects, each one costing 100 points of Faith Power. And on a side note, as it was HEAVILY requested by you in the previous DD, we were reassured that the work would be appreciated! Semien is the only country that can spawn with Judaism early game, while it can also be adopted by one of the most important countries in Origins, Ethiopia.
It was one major religion lacking mechanics at this point of the game, so we thought that now it would be a good moment to handle it. Let’s start with the new Judaism mechanics. Hello everyone, and be welcome! In today’s DD we are going to take a look at different topics of the Origins Immersion Pack, and 1.32 patch: the new Judaism mechanics, more new mission trees all along Africa, and the setup changes we’ve done to the region.